The Renford Revelations Vol Five


E-book $7.50
Pages: 261
Copyright 2020
ISBN 978-1-63684-766-5

This is the fifth and last volume completed, however, blogs are being written frequently and when there are 52 unpublished, another volume of the Renford Revelations is ready for publication. Each is a surprise as they are not in a collection of articles about a particular theme. When you finish with one, be prepared for being blindsided in some cases. The next one will likely have no bearing on the one just read. Many of the blogs, articles and essays are focused on the meaning of words that have undergone a form of mutation to the point there is a completed different meaning from the original intent.

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What You Can Expect From This Book:

• Examination and explanation of some obscure terms used by writers today and in the past
that are oxymoronic.
• Examination of a number of Vedic, Arabic and theological terms


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