Nature-inspired image evoking tranquility and spiritual reflection.
I will deal with enigmas found in many ancient texts such as the Bible, the Mahabharata, and Sumerian Cuneiform Texts. Since most readers will have had more exposure to the Bible we will work with facts of which they may have no knowledge. Anything we can relate to, even if we have been around it all our lives without making the connection, is a revelation. The idea is to reveal things in each commentary that may not be known or to which readers may be unable to relate. Few have gone to the trouble to study such things as how the Bible was put together, who had it done, and when it was done. Many simply think of the Bible as always existing. Ancient texts from around the world are often viewed this way by those steeped in that religion. I consider it a failure when I write a blog, an article, or a book, tape a show, or conduct a workshop if there are not many of the readers and viewers saying, “I did not know that.” They may also say, “I do not believe that.” However, nothing will be revealed that cannot be supported. Whether on a television or radio show or if you are reading them as a blog, the Renford Revelations deals with a wide variety of subjects and opportunities are available for you to ask questions and share your thoughts.
I love questions and free discussions. The names of those submitting the questions can be revealed or with held depending on your desire. The questions may be Biblical or philosophical.
I will not be dealing with doctrine and dogma based purely on faith without supporting evidence. I will concede that you are free to believe whatever you come to accept as true. The objective will not be an attempt to change your beliefs but to present facts for you to work with. It is not always easy to deal with what someone believes whether it is a privately held belief or the dogma of a Church minister. What they believe is like what I believe. It is of importance only to the believer. I could testify that I have had a personal revelation from God and you can believe me or not. There is no way I can prove this except by my actions. I could have an exchange with one holding a strong belief in angels, UFOs or their own personal revelations from God. We would only be able to talk about what they believe. On the other hand, on doctrinal matters, we could end up arguing till we are both blue in the face. There are thousands of different denominations and it would accomplish little to get into debates on church doctrine. It might be good for ratings but not constructive.
We can talk about the meaning of a Biblical passage. The problem is a good debater can prove almost any point he wants to make by the Bible but it does not mean it is true and accurate. I could claim that there is only one State in the United States mentioned in the Bible and you could scream until you are hoarse that there were no United States at the time of the writing of the Bible. But I can show that Noah stood on the Ark-and-saw!!! My point is I will be dealing with facts as revealed by Hebrew, Christian, and other scholars and archeologists that may be helpful for the individual seeker of truth. We do not have to agree on doctrine.