The Mysteries Revealed


E-book: $10.00
Pages: 298
Copyright: 2002
ISBN: 0-9702289-7-X

This book looks at the meaning of the most controversial of the biblical books – the Book of Revelation. It is also called the Revelation of John. Many equate the word “apocalyptic” with the word “catastrophic”. Apocalyptic does not mean catastrophic. It means revelation. Dreams can seem crazy when viewed in relative consciousness, so it is important to use the language of the mind. Since there are a number of visions mentioned, The Book of Revelation should be treated and interpreted as a dream. Though most consider it simply to be a book of riddles, there are those who teach a religion of fear based upon it. It is really about moving from fear based
feeling to love based living. The Mysteries Revealed is a metaphysical interpretation of the Apocalypse of John – the revelation of Jesus. It is a roadmap to Self-unfoldment. It is the mysteries revealed.

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What You Can Expect From This Book:

• A totally different perspective on the Book of Revelation and the discovery of the book as
one of transformation from fear based feeling to love based living
• Knowledge of dream symbols and the base numbers as the language of the mind
• Understanding of the Book of Revelation as a series of visions that must be interpreted
based on the language of the mind


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